

an extensive line of caps and lids that can be purchased indipendently or pair with any of our bottles, containers or buckets.

Shalam offers a wide range of caps and lids, usable for the most varied applications: food, cosmetics & detergents, liquids,home care, building, food and outdoors.

42mm Softener cap

softener cap

2.2lt lid+handle

2.2LT lid+handle

89 press caps

89 press caps+tear

89 screw lid

89 screw lid

500 press lid

500 press lidtear

CRC 00 lid

CRC00 lid

D38 3 start lid

D38 3start lid

Push pull cap

28mm push pull cap

42mm Softener cap

42mm softener cap

Bleach cap

CRC 500 bleach cap